Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PT Bumimulia Indah Lestari

PT Bumimulia Indah Lestari
Bandung (Jawa Barat), Banten, Cikarang (Jawa Barat)

We are Plastic Packaging Manufacturer Company (blow moulding, injection, strech blow, tube) with ISO 9001 : 2008 Certification. We have 4 plants at Cikarang, Merak, Jakarta & Gresik with more than 1300 employees, supplying to world-class manufacturers, is expanding our Manufacturing Division to seek professionals for following positions :

Male maximum 30-year-old
For high school graduates can join with a minimum of 2 years experience in same field, preferably in the blow molding machine, injection molding and tube machine Vocational education for recent high school majoring in mechanical engineering Have knowledge of the fundamentals of plastic blow, injection molding and tube machine Understanding of trouble shooting on machines Injection Molding, Blow Molding and Tube

Willing to work shifts
Has the initiative, high motivation, honest, can work in teams, can work under pressure, able to communicate properly. Physically healthy, not color blind, and no glass eye

Willing to be placed in the Plant Cikarang, Merak, Cikande and Bandung. Please send your application letter, CV and recent photograph to:


1 comment:

  1. Dear : Custumer Import & Domestik
    Kami dari PT TWIN Logistics mengajukan penawaran kerjasama dalam bidang pengurusan barang Import RESMI & BORONGAN.

    Services Kami,
    Customs Clearance Import sistem Resmi maupun Borongan
    Penanganan secara Door to Door ASIA & EROPA Sea & Air Service
    Penyediaan Legalitas Under-Name (Penyewaan Bendera Perusahaan)
    Pengiriman Domestik antar pulau seluruh Indonesia laut dan Udara atau Darat.

    Keterangan tambahan :
    1. Nomor Induk Berusaha ( NIB )
    2. IT ( Mainan, Elektronic, Garmen, Sepatu dan Peralatan kaki lainnya )
    3. SPI-PI Besi Baja,
    4. SPI-PI Produk Kehutanan,
    5. SPI-PI Barang Bekas,
    6. SPI-PI Tekstil & Izin TPT
    7. Produk-produk Lartas SNI

    Berikut Attecment terlampir.

    Terima kasih atas kepercayaan kepada kami, semoga kerjasamanya berjalan dengan lancar.
    Jika ada yang ingin dipertanyakan, silahkan hubungi kami di Nomor Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 E-Mail : andijm.twinlogistics@yahoo.com

    Best Regards,

    Mr. Andi JM
    Hp Whatssapp : 0819-0806-0678 / 0813-8186-4189
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = =
    Jl. Raya Utan Kayu No.105 B Jakarta Timur 13120 Indonesia
    Phone : +62 21 8498-6182, 8591-7811 Fax : +62 21 8591-7812
    Email : pt.twinlogistics@yahoo.com, andijm@twin.co.id
    Web : www.twinlogistics.co.id, www.twin.co.id
